Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's getting feisty over there...

This thing has certainly been interesting to watch. Hooray for hate week?? I thought that was when we played Florida. I don't hold the level of disdain for Auburn as many that commented on that post. I guess it just depends on what part of the fan base you run into. I've always experienced gracious winners (I played flip cup with a bunch of Auburn folks before and after the game in 2005) and gracious losers (many a fan shook my hand in 2002 and 2006 in Jordan-Hare Stadium). A lot of those responses seem to give credence to Buzz Bissinger's tirade this past year. Many post under the veil of Internet anonymity and leave rude comments and take shots that they would never be man, or woman, enough to say to that person's face. Here's to being cordial and acting like adults.